Tamar picture


Email: tamarhalutzi@hotmail.com

I am a BA student in General linguistics at Tel Aviv University. For several years, I worked as an educational interpreter in integrated high schools for deaf students. Currently, I work as an Israeli Sign Language interpreter. I participated in an international mini-research project on the typology of Calendric Terms in Sign Languages, led by Klára Richterová. I am interested in various aspects of sign languages, especially in Iconicity and syntax. In the Bilingual-Bimodal project, I focus on adapting the Child Development Inventory (CDI) questionnaire to ISL and exploring different acquisition questions using this tool. 

I am deaf with deaf parents, and therefore Israeli Sign Language is my mother tongue.

In my work as a research assistant I learn new and interesting things about my mother tongue that I never knew before. At the moment, I am studying interactive communication design and social sciences at the Technion, Haifa. In the Bilingual-Bimodal project, I am responsible for developing the linguistic coding, recruiting families and administering the assessments in Israeli Sign Language.