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Sarah Lanesman

Sarah Lanesman

Research Assistant. I am deaf, as are my sisters. Sign language is my main and preferred mode of communication in all aspects of life. I have an MA degree from the University of Central Lancshire, Preston, UK. My thesis is titled: “Algerian Jewish Sign Language: its emergence and survival”, supervized by Prof. Ulrike Zeshan and Dr. Irit Meir. This is the first publication and documentation of this endangered language. In the sign language research lab I was involved in several projects: The history of ISL, Village sign languages of Israel and Algerian Jewish Sign Language.

In addition, I am a certified special education teacher and a sign language instructor in various venues, e.g. the Kibutizim College and Sign Language Interperting program. I headed a program for training sign language instructors in the Institute for Advancement of Deaf People and am part of a team for the promotion of sign language in the educational system.

In the 1980s I used to dance in the “Silence and Voice” group, a dance group that included both deaf and hearing dancers.