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Rose Stamp

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My research interests include sign linguistics, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics and, in particular, variation and change within smaller unique deaf communities. For the past few years I have been working with the British Sign Language (BSL) Corpus Project team ( I completed my PhD in sociolinguistic variation and change of BSL at the Deafness, Cognition and Language Research Centre (DCAL) in London, looking at several different aspects of how the language is changing and the reasons why. ​

I started working at the Sign Language Research Lab in 2014 as a post doctoral researcher on the Grammar of the Body Project. My role on the Grammar of the Body Project will be to look comparatively at Israeli, Al Sayyid Bedouin and Kfar Qasem Sign Languages. As part of the sign language team, we will be investigating how each articulator is used linguistically across generations of signers.​