Wendy Sandler’s articles by topic
Prosody, Intonation, Phonology, Morphology, Lexicon, Language Emergence and Language Evolution, Gesture, Language and Cognition, Evolution of Language, Overviews
- Sandler, Wendy, Lillo-Martin, Diane, Dachkovsky, Svetlana, & Müller de Quadros, Ronice. (2021). Sign language prosody. In Carlos Gussenhoven and Aoju Chen (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.104-122.
- Dachkovsky, Svetlana, Healy, Christina & Sandler, Wendy. (2013). Visual intonation in two sign languages. Phonology, 30(2), 211-252.
- Sandler, Wendy, Meir, Irit, Dachkovsky, Svetlana, Padden, Carol, & Aronoff, Mark. (2011). The emergence of complexity in prosody and syntax. Lingua 121(13), 2014-2033.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2010). Prosody and syntax in sign language. Transactions of the Philological Society 108(3), 298-328.
- Dachkovsky, Svetlana & Sandler, Wendy. (2009). Visual intonation in the prosody of a sign language. Language and Speech, 52(2/3), 287-314.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2005). Prosodic constituency and intonation in sign language. Linguistische Berichte, 13, 59-86.
- Nespor, Marina & Sandler, Wendy. (1999). Prosodic phonology in Israeli Sign Language. Language and Speech, 42(2&3), 143-176.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1999). Prosody in two natural language modalities. Language and Speech, 42(2&3), 127-142.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1999). The medium and the message: Prosodic interpretation of linguistic content in sign language. Sign Language and Linguistics, 2(2), 187-216.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1999). Cliticization and prosodic words in a sign language. In T. Hall & U. Kleinhenz (Eds.), Studies on the phonological word (Current studies in linguistic theory) (pp. 223-255). Amsterdam: Benjamins
- Sandler, Wendy. (1993). Hand in hand: The roles of the nondominant hand in sign language phonology. The Linguistic Review, 10, 337-390.
- Stamp, Rose, Dachkovsky, Svetlana, Hel-Or Hagit, Cohn David, Sandler Wendy. (2024). Phonetic reduction in a young sign language. Journal of Phonetics 104.
- Sandler, Wendy, Belsitzman, Gal, & Meir, Irit. (2020). Visual foreign accent in an emerging sign language. Sign Language and Linguistics 23:1/2. 233-257.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2017). The challenge of sign language phonology. Annual Review of Linguistics, 43-63
- Sandler, Wendy. (2014). The emergence of phonetic and phonological features in sign language. In: Nordlyd 41.1, Special issue on Features, Martin Krämer, Sandra-Iulia Ronai and Peter Svenonius (Eds.). 183-212.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2012). The phonological organization of sign languages. Language and Linguistics Compass, 1-21.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2011). The phonology of movement in sign language. In M. van Oostendorp, C. Ewen, K. Rice & E. Hume (Eds.), Blackwell companion to phonology (pp. 577-603). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Israel, Assaf, & Sandler, Wendy. (2011). Phonological category resolution in a new sign language: A comparative study of handshapes. Formational units in sign languages, 177-202.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2008). The syllable in sign language: Considering the other natural modality. In B. Davis & K. Zajdo (Eds.), The syllable in speech production (pp. 379-408). New York: Taylor Francis
- Sandler, Wendy. (2006). Phonology, phonetics, and the nondominant hand. In L.Goldstein, D.H. Whalen & C. Best (Eds.), Papers in laboratory phonology: Varieties of phonological competence (pp. 185-212). Berlin: Mouton-de Gruyter.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2003). Sign language: Phonology. In W. Frawley (Ed.), The Oxford international encyclopedia of linguistics, second edition, volume 4 (pp. 57-60). Oxford : Oxford University Press.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2000). One phonology or two? Sign language and phonological theory. In L. Cheng & R. Sybesma (Eds.), The GLOT international state-of-the-article book (pp. 349-384). The Hague: Holland Academie Graphics.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1999). Cliticization and prosodic words in a sign language. In T. Hall & U. Kleinhenz (Eds.), Studies on the phonological word (Current studies in linguistic theory) (pp. 223-255). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1996). Representing handshapes. International Review of Sign Linguistics, 115-158.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1996). Phonological features and feature classes: The case of movements in sign language. Lingua, 98: 197-220.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1995). Markedness in the handshapes of signs: A componential analysis. In J. van der Weijer & H. van der Hulst (Eds.), Leiden in last: Holland institute of linguistics phonology papers (pp. 369-399). The Hague: HollandAcademie Graphics.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1994). One phonology or two? Sign language and phonological theory, GLOT International Journal of Linguistics (“state of the article”). 3-8.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1994). Phonological characteristics of sign languages: Similarities and differences. Trondheim Working Papers in Linguistics, 23, 18-37.
- Van der Hulst, Harry & Sandler, Wendy. (1994). Phonological theories meet sign language: Two theories of the two hands. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics, 13(1), 43-73.
- Van der Hulst Harry & Sandler, Wendy. (1994). Phonological theories meet sign language: Two theories of the two hands. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics, 13(1), 43-73.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1993). Linearization of phonological tiers in ASL. In G. Coulter (Ed.), Current Issues in ASL phonology, phonetics and phonology Volume 3 (pp. 103-129). San Diego: Academic Press.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1993). A sonority cycle in American Sign Language. Phonology, 10(2), 209-241.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1993). Hand in hand: The roles of the nondominant hand in sign language phonology. The Linguistic Review, 10, 337-390.
- Corina, David & Sandler, Wendy. (1993). On the nature of phonological structure in sign language. Phonology 10(2), 165-207. 3.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1991). On the organization of natural feature classes in American Sign Language. In B. Palek (Ed.), Proceedings of LP ’90 (pp. 555-567). Prague: Charles University Press.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1987). Assimilation and feature hierarchy ASL. In A. Bosch, B. Need & E. Schiller (Eds.), Chicago Linguistics Society Parasession on Autosegmental Phonology, 266-278.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1986). The spreading hand autosegment of American Sign Language. Sign Language Studies, 50,1-28. ntal Phonology, 266-278.
Morphology, Lexicon and Gesture:
- Stamp, R., Cohen, D. & Sandler, W. (2023). Kinect-ing the Dots: Using Motion-Capture Technology to Distinguish Sign Language Linguistic From Gestural Expressions. Language & Speech, 1-22. DOI: 10.1177/00238309231169502
- Lepic, Ryan, Börstell, Carl, Belsitzman, Gal, & Sandler, Wendy. (2016). Taking meaning in hand: Iconic motivations in two-handed signs. Sign Language and Linguistics.
- Meir, Irit, Sandler, Wendy, Padden, Carol & Aronoff, Mark. (2013). Competing iconicities in the structure of languages. Cognitive Linguistics, 24(2), 309-343.
- Meir, Irit, Padden, Carol, Aronoff, Mark, & Sandler, Wendy. (2007). Body as subject. Journal of Linguistics, 43, 531-563.
- Aronoff, Mark, Meir, Irit & Sandler, Wendy. (2005). The paradox of sign language morphology. Language, 81 (2), 301-344.
- Aronoff, Mark, Padden, Carol, Meir, Irit & Sandler, Wendy. (2004).Morphological universals and the sign language type. In G. Booij & J. van Marle (Eds.), Yearbook of morphology 2004 (pp.19-40). Dordrecht / Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Aronoff, Mark, Meir, Irit, Padden, Carol & Sandler, Wendy. (2003). Classifier complexes and morphology in two sign languages. In K. Emmorey (Ed.), Perspectives on classifiers in signed languages (pp. 53-84). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.
- Aronoff, Mark, Meir, Irit & Sandler, Wendy. (2000). Universal and particular aspects of sign language morphology. University of Maryland WPL, 10, 1-33.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1990). Temporal aspects and ASL phonology. In S. Fischer & P. Siple (Eds.), Theoretical issues in sign language research.Volume I: Linguistics (pp. 7-36). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Language Emergence and Language Evolution:
- Dachkovsky, Svetlana., Stamp, Rose. & Sandler, Wendy. (2022). Mapping the body to the discourse hierarchy in sign language emergence. Language & Cognition. 15(1): 53-85.
- Stamp, Rose & Sandler, Wendy. (2021). The emergence of referential shift in three young sign languages. Lingua 257. 1-19.
- Stamp, Rose, Dachkovsky, Svetlana, & Sandler, Wendy (2020). Time will tell: Time and discourse as ‘motion through space’ in early Israeli Sign Language (ISL), In R. Pfau, A. Göksel & J. Hosemann (eds.), Our Lives – Our Stories. Life Experiences of Elderly Deaf People. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
- Meir, I., & Sandler, W. (2020). Variation and conventionalization in young sign languages. In Doron, E., Malka Rappaport Hovav, M., Reshef, Y., and Taube, M. (eds.). Linguistic Contact, Continuity and Change in the Genesis of Modern Hebrew. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 337-363.
- Oña, Linda, Sandler, Wendy, and Liebal, Katja. (2019). A stepping stone to compositionality in chimpanzee communication. PeerJ. DOI 10.7717/peerj.7623
- Cavicchio, Federica, Dachkovsky, Svetlana, Leemor, Livnat, Shamay-Tsoory, Simone, and Sandler, Wendy. (2018). Compositionality in the language of emotion. PloS ONE 13(8): e0201970
- Sandler, Wendy. (2018). The body as evidence for the nature of language. Frontiers in Psychology. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018
- Dachkovsky, Svetlana, Stamp, Rose, and Sandler, Wendy. (2018). Constructing Complexity in a Young Sign Language. Frontiers in Psychology. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02202
- Meir, Irit, Aronoff, Mark, Börstell, Carl, Hwang, So-One, Ilkbasaran, Deniz, Kastner, Itamar, Lepic, Ryan, Lifshitz Ben-Basat, Adi, Padden, Carol, and Sandler, Wendy. (2017). The effect of being human and the basis of grammatical word order: Insights from novel communication systems and young sign languages. Cognition 158. 189-207.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2016).What comes first in language emergence? In N. Enfield (Ed.) Dependency in Language: On the Causal Ontology of Language Systems. Studies in Diversity in Linguistics 99. Berlin: Language Science Press. 67-86.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2014). Emergence of phonetic and phonological features in sign language. Nordlyd 41/2, 183-212.
- Sandler, Wendy, Aronoff, Mark, Padden, Carol & Meir, Irit. (2014). Language emergence. In J. Sindell, P. Kockelman & N. Enfield (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of linguistic anthropology (pp. 250-284). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Kastner, Itamar, Meir, Irit, Sandler, Wendy, Dachkovsky, Svetlana. (2014). The emergence of embedded structure: Insights from Kafr Qasem sign language. Froniters in Psychology, 5, 1-15.
- Tkachman, Oksana & Sandler, Wendy. (2013). The noun-verb distinction in two young sign languages. Gesture (13:3), special issue, Where do Nouns Come From? J. Haviland (Ed.), 253-286.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2012). Dedicated gestures in the emergence of sign language. Gesture, 12(3), 265-307.
- Sandler, Wendy, Irit Meir, Svetlana Dachkovsky, Carol Padden and Mark Aronoff (2011). ‘The emergence of complexity in prosody and syntax’. Lingua, 121, 2014-2033.
- Israel, Assaf & Sandler, Wendy. (2011). Phonological category resolution: A study of handshapes in younger and older sign languages. In R. Channon & H. van der Hulst (Eds.), Formational units in sign languages (pp. 177-202). Berlin/Boston/Nijmegen: De Gruyter / Ishara Press.
- Sandler, Wendy, Aronoff, Mark, Meir, Irit & Padden, Carol. (2011). The gradual emergence of phonological form in a new language. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 29, 503–543.
- Israel, Assaf, & Sandler, Wendy. (2011). Phonological category resolution in a new sign language: A comparative study of handshapes. Formational units in sign languages, 177-202.
- Padden, Carol, Meir, Irit, Aronoff, Mark & Sandler, Wendy. (2010). The grammar of space in two new sign languages. In D. Brentari (Ed.), Sign languages: A Cambridge survey (pp. 573-595). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Meir, Irit, Sandler, Wendy, Padden, Carol & Aronoff, Mark. (2010). Emerging sign languages. In M. Marschark, P. E. Spencer& P. E. Nathan (Eds.), Oxford handbook of deaf studies, language, and education, Volume 2 (pp. 267-280). New York, USA: Oxford University Press, USA
- Padden, Carol, Meir, Irit, Sandler, Wendy & Aronoff, Mark. (2010). Against all expectations: Encoding subjects and objects in a new language. In D. Gerdts, J. Moore & M. Polinsky (Eds.), Hypothesis A/hypothesis B: Linguistic explorations in honor of David M. Perlmutter (pp. 383-400). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Aronoff, Mark, Meir, Irit, Padden, Carol & Sandler, Wendy. (2008). The roots of linguistic organization in a new language. In D. Bickerton & M. Arbib (Eds.), Holophrasis, Compositionality and Proto Language, Special Issue of Interaction Studies, 133-149.
- Sandler, Wendy, Meir, Irit, Padden, Carol & Aronoff, Mark. (2005). The emergence of grammar: Systematic structure in a new language. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102 (7), 2661-2665.
- סנדלר, ו., ציטרון, ע., בר, ננה. התקבל לפרסום. שפת הסימנים ותרבות החירשים ביצירה של תיאטרון אביסו. בתוך ״חירשים וכבדי שמיעה: פרספקטיבה רב תחומית״. ג. צינמן , ט. מוסט (עורכים).
- Sandler, Wendy. (2012). Dedicated gestures in the emergence of sign language. Gesture, 12(3), 265-307.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2009). Symbiotic symbolization by hand and mouth in sign language. Semiotica, 174(1/4), 241-275.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2003). On the complementarity of signed and spoken languages. In Y. Levy & J. Schaeffer (Eds.), Language competence across populations: Towards a definition of SLI (pp. 383-409). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.
Language and Cognition, Evolution of Language:
- Cavicchio, Federica, Dachkovsky, Svetlana, Leemor, Livnat, Shamay-Tsoory, Simone, and Sandler, Wendy. (2018). Compositionality in the language of emotion. PloS ONE 13(8): e0201970
- Sandler, Wendy. (2018). The body as evidence for the nature of language. Frontiers in Psychology. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018
- Lepic, Ryan, Börstell, Carl, Belsitzman, Gal, & Sandler, Wendy. (to appear 2016). Taking meaning in hand: Iconic motivations in two-handed signs. Sign Language and Linguistics.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2013). Vive la différence. Sign language and spoken language in language evolution. Language and Cognition, 5 (2-3), 189-203.
- Meir, Irit, Sandler, Wendy, Padden, Carol & Aronoff, Mark. (2013). Competing iconicities in the structure of languages.Cognitive Linguistics, 24(2), 309-343.
- de Boer, Bart, Sandler, Wendy, & Kirby, Simon. (2012). New perspectives on duality of patterning: Introduction to the special issue. Language and Cognition 4(4), 251-259.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2010). The uniformity and diversity of language: Evidence from sign language. Response to Evans and Levinson. Lingua, 120(12), 2727-2732.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2009). Symbiotic symbolization by hand and mouth in sign language. Semiotica, 174(1/4), 241-275.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2003). On the complementarity of signed and spoken languages. In Y. Levy & J. Schaeffer (Eds.), Language competence across populations: Towards a definition of SLI (pp. 383-409). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.
- Sandler, Wendy. (1993). Sign Language and Modularity, Lingua, 89 (4), 315-351.
- Börstell, Carl, Sandler, Wendy, & Aronoff, Mark. (2014). Sign language. In M. Aronoff (Ed.), Oxford bibliography of linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. bridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2012). The phonological organization of sign languages. Language and Linguistics Compass, 1-21.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2010). Prosody and syntax in sign language. Transactions of the Philological Society 108(3), 298-328.
- Sandler, Wendy & Lillo-Martin, Diane. (2005). Sign language. In W. OGrady, J. Archibald, M. Aronoff & J. Rees-Miller (Eds), Contemporary linguistics: An introduction. Fifth Edition (pp. 343-360). Boston/New York: Bedford St. Martins.
- Sandler, Wendy. (2005). An overview of sign language linguistics. In K. Brown (Ed.), Encyclopedia of language and linguistics, Vol 11, 2d Edition (pp. 328-338). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
- Sandler, Wendy & Lillo-Martin, Diane. (2001).Natural sign language.In M. Aronoff & J. Rees-Miller (Eds.), Blackwell handbook of linguistics (pp. 533-562). Oxford: Blackwell.